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Landscape light

Landscape light2019-08-30
Landscape light2019-08-30
  • Classification:Landscape light

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  • Date of issue:2019/08/30
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Landscape light

The solar garden light is mainly composed of five major components, namely:

First, the light source

Light source is an important part of all lighting products. According to different illumination requirements, different brands and different types of light sources can be selected. Commonly used light sources are: incandescent lamps, energy-saving lamps, fluorescent lamps, sodium lamps, metal halide lamps, ceramic metal halide lamps, And a new LED light source. Characteristics of each light source:

Incandescent lamp

Incandescent luminescence refers to visible light electrical radiation generated by the excitation of atoms. Incandescent lamps use the principle of incandescent illumination. The solar garden lamp allows current to pass through the tungsten wire in the vacuum, causing the tungsten wire to heat up to incandescence and emit visible light. The color temperature of an ordinary incandescent lamp is 2800K, which is yellower than natural light and looks warm. The advantages and disadvantages of incandescent lamps: low cost, easy to use and install. Suitable for frequent opening, the effect of the off on the performance and life of the lamp is very low.

Advantages and disadvantages of incandescent lamps:

Short life and low luminous efficacy. Incandescent lamps emit less than 10% of the visible light, and most of the energy is converted to infrared radiation, producing a large amount of heat. In addition, the ultraviolet radiation emitted by incandescent lamps is also relatively high, causing fading of the illuminated articles.

2. Fluorescent lamps, energy-saving lamps

Fluorescent lamps and energy-saving lamps are low-pressure mercury vapor arc discharge lamps, usually long tubular, with one electrode at each end. The lamp contains a low-pressure mercury vapor and a small amount of inert gas, and the inner surface of the lamp is coated with a phosphor layer. Fluorescent lamps are divided into straight tube fluorescent lamps and compact fluorescent lamps. Straight tube type fluorescent lamps can be divided into preheating start, quick start and instant start according to the starting mode. Solar garden lamp manufacturers can be divided into T12, T8 and T5 according to the lamp. Compact fluorescent lamps are developed to replace incandescent lamps that consume a lot of power, with low energy consumption and long life. The life of an ordinary incandescent lamp is only 1000 hours, and the typical life of a compact fluorescent lamp is 8000-10000 hours.


The website of this article:http://en.zsjwzm.com/product/1013.html

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